Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

WOW been in Grapevine nearly 6 months and its nearly time to be heading to Florida.

Our trip for the driveway replacement was interrupted by IRMA, so now time to play catch up.

We were to have our Driveway replaced, new irrigation and a new fence installed back in August but of course Irma changed those plans. We lucked out and only had a big limb twist off the tree in front breaking only one of the tiles on the roof. Since then we've had the tree removed to prevent that from happening in the future.

We were so glad to have removed the ugly trees in the back yard or any one of the 3 could have been on our house or our neighbors.

We'll spend a little more than 10 days this time in Florida then returning to Grapevine to work thru the end of October before heading south.

We'll spend some time in Groosebeck taking care of some stuff around the house for Bills mom.

From Groosebeck we'll high tale it to Florida, we're excited to spend the holidays in Florida for the 1st time since buying the house 2 years ago.

Its all kinda bitter sweet, next year we plan to travel the Northeast, just not too sure where as of now. It will be back to having an adventure.YEA


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